I've been baaaaad. I spun more sock yarn. I couldn't help myself! I know, I know - I already have enough of that without having to make more. I hear ya! But... I just couldn't help myself.
Run. Bio. Knit. Questions?
Posted by Chelsea at 6:43 PM 9 comments
My first pair of handspun socks! :)
Pattern: Plain ol' sock pattern. Crochet cast-on, short-row toes, short-row heels, decreas bind off in 1x1 rib.
Yarn: My handspun, 388 yds. of two-ply fingering weight in merino, Moonlight Baker's Hungry for Handspun in "Morning Sky" colorway.
Posted by Chelsea at 3:55 PM 5 comments
Posted by Chelsea at 9:50 AM 3 comments
Well, I just went a little bit crazy in a shop update that I've found some fabulous fiber at. At first glance, I wasn't super in love with my first braid that I got from her. Though it was pretty, I knew that she had previously done some amazing stuff. Spinning it up, I still wasn't too sure. After plying it, however, I realized that this stuff is really fabulous. She does some amazing colorways that are unique and make you think outside the box. Colors that you wouldn't think to put together suddenly glow and radiate. This simple skein of fingering-weight is so subtle in comparison to what she usually posts in her shop.
The fiber is by Juliespins and she just did a shop update. Though you couldn't tell by looking at her stock since it sells out in mere seconds. ;)
4.4 oz. of Superwash Merino Handpainted Roving in "Jungle" colorway (she does a new version of that colorway in almost every shop update - I'll show you my next one ;). This was spun into approximately 400+ yds. of two-ply fingering weight. Super fun socks, that's my guess! :D
Posted by Chelsea at 4:58 PM 3 comments
Though I missed posting a pair for last month in the Sock A Month KAL, I do have a pair today. Lucky you! :)
Yarn: Knitterly Things' Vesper Sock Yarn in "Crew" colorway, one skein
Pattern: Generic toe-up with short-row heels and toes, using a provisional crochet cast-on
Needles: US 1 1/2 Addi Turbo Lace 40" circulars
Posted by Chelsea at 3:55 PM 3 comments
Posted by Chelsea at 1:16 PM 6 comments
But this was the one that started it all...
And this was the one that kept me wanting more.
So you see, there is a slight progression. Sort of. Well, I can't seem to help myself and I don't know that I really want to. If anyone you know wants to start spinning, tell them not to... unless they really really love fiber. A lot. Otherwise, they may not be prepared for just how much they will end up loving it once they start spinning. Seriously.
Posted by Chelsea at 5:21 PM 5 comments
Pattern: Olympian Socks by Sheryl Giles
Posted by Chelsea at 2:47 PM 4 comments
Posted by Chelsea at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Pattern: Anastasia by Mintyfresh at Pepperknits
Yarn: Zen String Serendipity Fingering in "Georgia" colorway, 1/2 skein
Needles: Addi Turbo 40" US 1 1/2 circulars
Mods: Ankle-length with 2x2 ribbing for 10 rows
This pattern is a lot of fun, but for some reason I've forgotten how I did it as a full-length last time. Once you go around the entire leg, the pattern needs to change at a couple of points in order to continue without skips. I couldn't do it this time. Oh well - I needed something shorter anyway. ;) This colorway is a lot of fun and the yarn base is great. This was my first time using Zen String's yarns. I am looking forward to finding a good use for the "Dahlia" colorway. I've seen that one done with a Monkey pattern. It looks fabulous, but I'd hate to copy someone. Does someone have a suggestion for a good pattern for the colorway? If you click on the colorway name above, it will bring you to a photo of my stashed skein. I would love to see what suggestions y'all have! Thanks. :)
Posted by Chelsea at 1:03 PM 7 comments
Posted by Chelsea at 1:35 PM 3 comments
Sigh. Yes, more socks. Sorry, y'all!
Pattern: Lombard Street Socks by Susan Pierce Lawrence
Yarn: Sophie's Toes by Emily Parson in "Forsythia" colorway, just barely more than half a skein
Needles: 40" Addi Turbo circulars, size 1 1/2 US
Mods: Toe-up, provisional crochet cast-on with short-row toes, short row heel, anklet-length (only did two of the leg repeats once heel was done), 2x2 ribbed cuff for 2". I think that's all. Otherwise, they're the exact same! ;)
I think that this yarn is beautiful and I really like this pattern. However, even though I don't think that these are ugly, these don't totally excite me. Oh well, perhaps I'll try something different with the remainder of this colorway...
Posted by Chelsea at 4:15 PM 7 comments
Yarn: Sunnyside Ellen's fingering weight in "River Country" (such cute stripes!)
Needles: Addi Turbo US 1 1/2 40" circulars
Pattern: my basic, basic, basic toe-up recipe, provisional crochet cast-on, short-row toes and heels, 2x2 rib at cuffs (and four rows of 2x2 rib at toe just to add something different).
I know that these are super-basic, but I really loved the stripes so didn't want to muddle them up or lose a pattern in the fabric. Great yarn!
Posted by Chelsea at 4:10 PM 6 comments
Okay, so I messed up. I hate to have to post this but I did not pass my final exam. I can't believe this. I really am a good student, I swear! I get A's all the time. Seriously. Don't laugh - I really do. ;) So to fail a final exam (that was 80% of the grade!!!) is a total shame. I am re-taking the class right now, but that's alright. I plan on rocking this class and getting an excellent grade, dang it. And I plan on resting easy once these six weeks are over. That way I'll have a little bit of down-time before the Fall starts at my new school. Phew - I can't wait to have a break.
Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on, everyone. :) I'll keep you apprised... I'm sure that you'll be waiting with bated breath.
Posted by Chelsea at 4:55 PM 2 comments
This month's Sox:
Pattern: "Gentleman's Fancy Socks," from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Yarn: Emily Parson's "Sophie's Toes" in "Man in Uniform" colorway, one skein
Needles: One 40" Addi Turbo circular, size US 2 1/2
Mods: Toe-up, provisional cast-on short-row toe, short-row heel, no increases done for calf-shaping.
(ETA: Since my pics never seem to be able to enlarge, click here to see close-ups)
I made these lovely socks for my husband. Lucky guy. ;) Well, I'm sure that he'll love them now that it's a million degrees outside. Sheesh!
So I'm closing in on my final quarter at my current school. My final exam is this upcoming Friday and I'm freaking out right now. I have only one class that is remaining to fulfill the requirements to transfer to my next school (I have been accepted with a contingency that I meet this requirement). I am taking that class this quarter and I'm not so sure that I'll be passing it. Seriously. I happen to be a pretty good student, but this class just wants me to work harder than my brain seemed up for this quarter. Hmmm... sound like setup for failure? Nah - I would never do that to myself! Yeah. Uh-huh.
Well, if for some reason I don't pass, I will need to figure out a way to get through the class in the summer, even though the summer session starts three days after my final. Because of the close dates, I can not technically register for the same class in the summer since I am still officially registered in it now - that would be repeating the same class. I would have to petition to re-take it for a better grade and then quickly hope that the instructor will agree to add me to the class. And that is just way too much to think about right now. So, after all that ramble, I just want to ask y'all to send some good thoughts my way. Thank you! I'll give an update on the results - as soon as I can get the guts to face up to it if I fail, or on Monday/Tuesday if I pass. ;)
Posted by Chelsea at 12:37 PM 3 comments
Yup. Another pair of socks. Snore... ;)
Pattern: Monkey by Cookie A.
Yarn: Sophie's Toes by Emily Parson in "Fire Breathing Dragon" colorway
Needles: US 1 1/2 Addi Turbo 40" circulars
Mods: Toe-up with provisional crochet cast-on, short-row heels, and all purls were knit instead.
This was a fun pair. I hope that you can see some of the detail of the pattern. Happy Spring, everyone!
Posted by Chelsea at 4:39 PM 4 comments
I loved this sock pattern. Really. Loved it. And the colorway? Well, some of you who saw the socks in progress made some comments about how bright they were, but that's alright. I still love this colorway for this sock, and I think that that is what matters the most (especially since I'm the one who will be wearing them).
Pattern: Elfine's Socks by Anna Bell at My Fashionable Life
Yarn: Sophie's Toes by Emily Parson in "Froggy" colorway, one skein
Needles: One 40" US 1 1/2 Addi Turbo Lace needle
Mods: Provisional crochet cast-on with short-row toes
This pattern is so lovely - especially for Spring. The yarn color feels like it was made to go with the pattern. This is what real spring colors look like, people! ;)
In case anyone (else) is getting bored with socks, I do have something non-pedial on the needles. Though it's not that exciting to most of you, this is my first lace shawl. Of course, I have started one before, but I have a strong feeling that this one will actually become something larger than a doll-sized lace thingy.
Well, I think that I've tortured enough of you for now. I won't come back until I have something interesting to say. Or at least until I've gotten desperately sad and lonely missing your company. Let's see how long that lasts!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:37 AM 5 comments
Getting tired of me just posting my pairs of socks yet? Well, too bad. ;) At some point, I'll start including some real content. You know, since I'm sure everyone is dying to hear about ME. Ha.
Okay, this month's (first?) pair:
Pattern: Shock Wave by Abigail at 1870 Pearl
Yarn: Beat Sock in colorway "Nevermore," by Perfect Day Yarns
Needles: One US 1 1/2 Addi Turbo 40" circular
Mods: Toe-up using provisional crochet cast-on creating a short-row toe, short-row heel, and I think that's it. I believe that everything else was the same.
The pattern is really really easy to do and you can memorize it after you've complete the first round. It's especially great for self-striping yarns so that you can add some interest to the pattern but still maintain the striping. I thought that these turned out quite lovely - the yarn is really fun to work with. And who doesn't love some purple (and dark brown)? In this picture, the brown looks more like charcoal grey, but it is indeed a dark brown.
I hope everyone is doing well. I've been destashing a lot because it's gotten insanely crazy. Who really needs that much sock yarn? Well, nevermind that question - who needs that much yarn? Don't mess with the sock yarn. Everything else can go. ;)
Have a great weekend, everyone. Go get yourself some sun - yeay for Vitamin D!
Posted by Chelsea at 11:11 AM 5 comments
Yes, it is very silly that I wanted to make this pattern with this colorway just so that I could call them that, but I couldn't help it. I really liked the yarn a lot. I wasn't sure how it would pattern out, but I do like that it was not only diagonally striping along the foot and leg, but it also did different things on each leg.
Posted by Chelsea at 11:37 AM 5 comments
Yeay! I've finally finished my Charades.
Pattern: Charade by Sandra Park
Needles: One 47" circular Addi Turbo US 1 1/2 (it says 2, but it's really 1 1/2)
Yarn: Emily Parson's Sophie's Toes in "Fall Mums" colorway. Yum-o-licious!!!
Mods: Toe-up, provisional cast-on, short-row heels and... that's about it.
I really loved this pattern. I know that everyone and their mother has already made it, but that doesn't make it any less fun, does it? It looks fabulous with this yarn. This yarn is so rich in color that the stitches just stand out even more. Though Emily's yarns are variegated, these somehow ended up striping a little. The bright blue striped and the golden brown, pale lavender, fuschia, violet and light blue all blended between the stripes. It really is a beautiful effect. They also fit like a glove - so much so that it is a little hard to get them off and on. But once they're on... fuhgettaboutit! I lurv 'em. :)
Posted by Chelsea at 2:18 PM 9 comments
Okay, so we may not all agree on the direction that we want to see our country head. However, I think that all of us understand how important it is to have their voice heard. Make sure that yours is heard today!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:13 AM 0 comments
I recently re-discovered a good friend of mine from a while ago. She is a fabulous person and why we let our friendship slowly lose speed, I have no idea. I think that we were both going through different phases and had our priorities listed a little differently. However, she and I occasionally do find each other on IM and send a "hello." Recently, she found me on IM and told me that she is pregnant! I'm so thrilled for her, I just can't tell you. She and her honey "eloped" this past Wednesday and had a wonderful co-ed baby shower today. Some good friends of the newly-expectant (and newlywed!) couple threw a fabulous shindig and a good time was definitely had by all. I left feeling a bit sad and a lot happy. I am sad for the time that we lost between us and that we might have to start a little bit over again, but I am so overwhelmingly happy for Mary and her wonderful new life. She is an amazing person and I couldn't be happier for her. I'm sending her hearts right now. :)
Posted by Chelsea at 8:34 PM 4 comments
Well, these were supposed to be socks that I could wear for Christmas, but I didn't put the pressure on myself. So now they are just simply socks to wear anytime. Who needs an occasion to wear these ones, though?
Pattern: Anastasia by Pepperknits
Yarn: Emily Parson's Sophie's Toes in Christmas Cactus colorway
Needles: One 47" Addi Turbo circular (I'm really loving doing socks on these!)
Mods: The only mod that I made was to knit the cuff in 2x2 ribbing for 1 1/2". There was no need to make any other mods since the pattern is perfect as is. :)
Posted by Chelsea at 11:14 AM 9 comments
Labels: Socks